The image of a huge eye in the sky is formed by a collection of tiny ice crystals called diamond dust. Because these crystals have regular geometric shapes, they reflect light from the Sun or Moon in an organized way so that it reaches our eyes. This can result in giant halos or unusual arc shapes in the sky. Sometimes these optical illusions can even be perceived as a gigantic eye, as in this case. In this shot from the Ore Mountains in the Czech Republic, the bright Moon is obscured by foggy air filled with ice crystals, causing a series of light illusions. A closer look at the photo reveals a play of light, including pseudo-Moons, tangent arcs, halos and a pseudo-sun circle. The impressive scene is also accompanied by columns of light seen above the distant lights on the left, and Jupiter and Mars shining under the 22-degree halo.
December 25, 2024 Astronomy Photo of the Day (NASA APOD)
Image Source and Copyright: Jaroslav Fous
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