Does this huge orange orb look like it is about to roll down a tree-lined hill? Actually, no! Because what we see in this impressive image is the Sun itself.
The central star of our Solar System was spectacularly photographed 12 days ago as it rose behind a hill on Earth, with details in the foreground. Five sunspots can be seen on the Sun's surface. This is quite remarkable, given that solar activity has been minimal for the last few years, and most days there are no spots at all.
A close look at the Sierra del Cid in Spain reveals the shadows of pine trees as well as silhouettes of people. Interestingly, these silhouettes belong to the photographer's three brothers. In this carefully planned single frame image, the trees and the siblings were about 3.5 kilometers away from the shooting spot.
The Sun, which is usually extremely bright, was imaged in detail through a dark filter, revealing the sunspots on its surface. In a few minutes, the Sun rose well above the zenith, and within a week these spots will shift and disappear. But this moment has been immortalized for all to admire, a memory that will stand the test of time.
September 21, 2021 Astronomy Photo of the Day (NASA APOD)
Image Source and Copyright: Jordi Coy
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