The Green Bowl - Amy Lowell
[Ah! the waving lespedeza,] - Matsuo Basho
Song of Myself, 48 - Walt Whitman
Horses - Witter Bynner
The Locust - Leonora Speyer
The King of Brentford - William Makepeace Thackeray
The Coming of Night - Skipwith Cannell
Thus can my love excuse the slow offence (Sonnet 51) - William Shakespeare
The Trail to Lillooet - Emily Pauline Johnson
From “The Kitten and Falling Leaves” - William Wordsworth
On Poet-Ape - Ben Jonson
New York at Night - Amy Lowell
Afton Water - Robert Burns
Batter my heart, three person'd God (Holy Sonnet 14) - John Donne
No longer mourn for me when I am dead (Sonnet 71) - William Shakespeare