Çarpıcı Hafif Grafiti İskeletleri
Beethoven Für Elise
Intimate Prayer - Antonio Nicolás Blanco
[When night draws on, remembering keeps me wakeful] - al-Khansāʾ
Erthe Toc of Erthe - Anonymous
Earth Took of Earth - Anonymous
Man Hesitates but Life Urges - D’Arcy McNickle
Der Wirthin Töchterlein - Ludwig Uhland
From the German of Uhland - Ludwig Uhland
South Street - Edward S. Silvera
Jungle Taste - Edward S. Silvera
[When you told us our glances, soft, timid, and mild,] - Wallada bint al-Mustakfi
from "The Ode of Ímr el Káis" - Imru’ al-Qais
Funny Grumpy Animal Series by Lim Heng Swee
Disillusion - Langston Hughes