Ocak 31, 2025


There is no one who does not know about mermaids with female bodies on the top and fish-shaped bottoms. Although their existence has not been proven, they have been the guests of legends from centuries ago in every culture. Mermaids are depicted very close to each other, although not exactly the same in all cultures. In most of the legends, mermaids are seen as a symbol of helpfull and goodness, but in some legends they are also seen as a symbol of bad luck and evil. In this episode, we will witness mermaids, the symbol of goodness and beauty.


In the vast majority of legends, mermaids are described as kind-hearted sea creatures who sing to sailors and rescue sailors who are in danger of drowning. According to some European legends, mermaids grant wishes that are told to them. On the other hand, it was so beautiful and supernatural that mermaids, according to Chinese belief, their tears turn into pearls. Mermaids, diseases etc. in myths. It is a common belief that people in such situations will be healed if they enter their dreams or come across them. For example, in Japanese culture, it is believed that those who eat mermaid meat will become immortal.


In fact, everything It begins in 1000 BC when Atargatis, mother of the Assyrian queen Semiramis, fell in love with a mortal shepherd. When the young shepherd she fell in love with dies, Atargatis jumps into the lake to become a fish. But the lake cannot hide Atargatis' perfect body and nature. The lake, and instead of turning him into a fish, it gives him a fishtail and the ability to breathe in water. Thus, the story of Atargatis' transformation into a mermaid becomes the first known mermaid legend.


According to a popular Greek myth, Alexander the Great's sister, Thessalonike, turns into a mermaid after she dies. It is believed that she continues to live in the Aegean Sea as a mermaid. It is even said that when the sailors found him, he asked the sailors only one question: Is King Alexander alive? Does he still rule?

The mermaid chooses an answer. If he hears "He lives and still rules" in response, it calms the water. But if he hears another answer than this, he will cause a terrible storm and sink the ship, causing the sailors to die.


It is also used as a carved wooden figure on the prow of ships, as the mermaid is believed to calm the seas, provide good weather conditions, and find safe navigation.


The long hair of mermaids, gleaming scales, fish tails and their epic beauty of depicted languages have not only reached the present day, but found a place in fashion. It has even been the subject of movies, books, and children's fairy tales.

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