Did you know that Norse mythology is based on German folklore and Germanic mythology? I was very surprised, but in a way it makes a lot of sense. You all know from the TV series in these places where the winter is very hard, or from the slogan, preparation for winter for everything. Because winter is very harsh and long. Here is Fimbulwinter, the long and harsh winter that will come before Ragnarok, the doomsday, and herald the arrival of Ragnarok. It will begin with horrifying omens before Ragnarok.
Ragnarok will begin with Fimbulwinter, meaning dreadful winter. This winter will be six winters in a row, and summer will not intervene. Constant snow, winter, apocalypse. Storms, frosts, icy weather and all the time. A terrible winter longing for the sun.
Family has a very important place in Scandinavian mythology. Imagine if Fimbulwinter would impress even him. Disputes within the family, quarrels and noise will engulf the whole world like an epidemic. As if all this were not enough, there will be death of brother, famine and long wars, with moral decay. Fimbulwinter will usher in an age of complete destruction.
Isn't the "Winter is coming" panic absolutely overkill as winter approaches?
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