Mart 04, 2025


Diego Valazquez tarafından 1656 yılında yapılan Arachne tablosu, ismini tanrıça Athena’ya meydan okuyan dokumacı bir kadından alır.

Hikayeye göre, Arachne isimli bir ölümlü kadın dokumada çok beceriklidir. Zamanla yeteneğiyle fazla övünür. Zanaat ve savaş tanrıçası olan Athena’dan daha iyi bir zanaatkar olduğunu iddia eder ve Athena’yı yarışma yapmaya davet eder.


Tanrıça Athena başka biri kılığına girip Arachne’yi uyarsa da aldırış etmez. Yarış yaparlar ve ikiside bir dokuma eser yaparlar. Arachne eserini tamamladığında, Athena’nın dokumasına baktı ve kusursuz işçiliği karşısında şaşkınlığa uğrar.

Ama Athena kendisine kibirle meydan okunmasını affetmez ve Arachne’yi sonsuza dek duvar köşelerinde dokuma yapması için örümceğe çevirir.


Valazquez, eserinde Arachne ve dostlarının Athena içim yaptığı dokuma hazırlıklarını resmetmiştir. Eser günümüzde Madrid Museo del Prado Müzesi’nde sergilenmektedir.


The Arachne painting, made by Diego Valazquez in 1656, takes its name from a weaver woman who challenged the goddess Athena.

According to the story, a mortal woman named Arachne is very adept at weaving. She takes pride in her talent over time, she. She claims to be a better craftsman than Athena, the goddess of craft and war, and invites Athena to contest she.


Even if the goddess Athena disguises herself as someone else and warns Arachne, she doesn't mind. They race and they both make a woven work. When Arachne finished her work, she looked at Athena's weaving and was astounded by the flawless craftsmanship.

But Athena doesn't forgive herself being arrogantly challenged, and turns Arachne into a spider to weave in wall corners forever.


In his work, Valazquez depicted the weaving preparations of Arachne and his friends for Athena. The work is currently exhibited at the Museo del Prado in Madrid.

The Arachne painting, made by Diego Valazquez in 1656, takes its name from a weaver woman who challenged the goddess Athena.

According to the story, a mortal woman named Arachne is very adept at weaving. She takes pride in her talent over time, she. She claims to be a better craftsman than Athena, the goddess of craft and war, and invites Athena to contest she.


Even if the goddess Athena disguises herself as someone else and warns Arachne, she doesn't mind. They race and they both make a woven work. When Arachne finished her work, she looked at Athena's weaving and was astounded by the flawless craftsmanship.

But Athena doesn't forgive herself being arrogantly challenged, and turns Arachne into a spider to weave in wall corners forever.


In his work, Valazquez depicted the weaving preparations of Arachne and his friends for Athena. The work is currently exhibited at the Museo del Prado in Madrid.


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