Mart 06, 2025


In Greek mythology, Sirens are sea creatures believed to have lived on an island called Sirenum scopuli. In some different stories it is mentioned that they lived in Cape Pelorum or the island of Anthemusa, and now in the Sirenus Islands near Paestum, or in Capreae. All of these places are described as surrounded by cliffs and cliffs. The sailors wandering around, fascinated by the song of the sirens, drove their ships towards the cliffs and became bait for the sirens.


Sirens have two tails, unlike mermaids. They have been depicted as the daughters of Achelous. Although Homer says nothing about their numbers, later the authors referred to both their names and their numbers. Sometimes three of them named Aglaopheme, Ceysi and Thelxiepeia are mentioned. Their number is usually between two and five. According to some stories, it is also mentioned that the young Persephone was playmates.


Painting: The Siren, John William Waterhouse, 1900, Private Collection

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