This new Hubble image shows a pair of interacting galaxies called Arp 105.
An elliptical and spiral galaxy are merging as they gravitationally converge, forming a stream of stars and gas more than 362,000 light-years across.
As NASA approaches the 35th anniversary of the Hubble mission, it will continue to share new images using archival data until March 11.
Image description:
An elliptical galaxy (top left) and a spiral galaxy (bottom right) connected by a receding gas stream. Two prominent bright blue star formation spots can be seen at the outskirts of the spiral galaxy, while another one extends from the center of the elliptical galaxy. A long tail can be seen extending from the spiral galaxy.
Image credits: NASA, ESA and M. West (Lowell Observatory); Processing by Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)
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