Stars shape the dense, dark molecular clouds from which they are born, forming huge, complex dust structures. The tools they use to create these impressive creations are high-energy radiation and powerful stellar winds. The heat they generate in the process vaporizes the molecular dust and causes the surrounding hydrogen gas to glow and dissipate. The image shows a new open star cluster, IC 1590, about to complete its formation inside the emission nebula NGC 281, called the Pacman Nebula because of its shape. A dust cloud just above the center is called the Bart Droplet because it is collapsing under the influence of gravity and could form a star or stars. About 10,000 light-years away, the Pacman Nebula is located in the constellation Cassiopeia (Queen).
November 18, 2024 Astronomy Photo of the Day (NASA APOD)
Image Source and Copyright: Malcolm Lor
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