Mart 04, 2025


You'll find a billion stars in this dwarf galaxy, located in the constellation Virgo, about 7 million light years from Earth. It is considered an irregular galaxy because of its irregular shape, which resembles a space version of a glittering snow globe.


By carefully studying the stars, astronomers are investigating the evolutionary links between ancient galaxies and their role in modern galaxies like our own. This image was created by combining twelve camera filters with data from the NASA Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 and the Advanced Camera for Surveys.


Image description:

A collection of stars and galaxies fills the scene against a dark background. The image is dominated by a dense collection of stars that make up the irregular galaxy UGC 8091. The stars cover a variety of colours, including blue and orange, with blue spots covering the central part of the galaxy. Circular regions of red/pink gas can also be seen within the galaxy.

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