The ring-like structure around this galaxy gives it an unusual appearance. Thin arms extend from the ends of the galaxy's barred core, forming an almost complete circle around its disc.
Rings in galaxies can appear in different forms. For example, a lenticular galaxy has a large central disc and lacks spiral arms; this often gives such galaxies ring-like structures in their discs.
However, for a galaxy to be classified as a ‘ring galaxy’, it must contain a round ring of gas and stars, completely separated from the galactic centre. Such rings are generally thought to form during galaxy collisions.
Image description:
A nearly circular galaxy fills the image. It has a bright bar extending across its core; from the ends of the bar, thin spiral arms wrap around the galaxy, forming a closed disc. The arms are blurred by the dust and stars they contain. The galaxy is against a black, mostly blank background. A few foreground stars with cross-shaped diffraction spikes are visible, as well as some distant galaxies in the background.
It looks like a ring
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