Mart 10, 2025


Oak Island is an island located in Canada. The mystery of this seemingly ordinary oak-filled island was discovered in 1795. Daniel McGinnis, who was passing by the island by canoe, wanted to take a tour of the island. He started a walk down the old path into the forest. His walk took him into a treeless area, in which there was a single large oak tree. A branch of the tree had been pruned, and the pruned part lay over a dent. What was this dent, which also interested Daniel McGinnis?

McGinnis was only 16 years old, who thought he could find treasure when he saw this dent. The prospect of finding a treasure excited him. He returned to his home, which was 6km from the island, and told his friends. The next day he came back to Oak Island with his two friends, John Smith (20) and Anthony Vaughn (13). The three of them immediately started digging the pit together. As they dug, they could not help their amazement.


2 There was a hole covered with stones about 60 cm below the surface. Three meters below, the entrance was completely sealed with oak logs. Continuing to dig, the three youngsters came across the same logs between 6 and 9 meters. Giving up and returning home, the young people began to seek support in search of treasure in their own hometown. But I think it must be because they are young, they could not find the support they were looking for. Only one woman once said she saw fires and strange lights on the island.


3 Nine years later, they found the support they were looking for in Simeon Lynds. In the process, the John Smith stakes purchased some of the surrounding land of the site. Over the next 30 years, he bought the remaining land piecemeal. The group, consisting of three teenagers and Lynds, landed on the island in 1804.

They started the excavation process and reached 27 meters in the first stage. They were reaching the same oak logs every 3 meters. After 12 meters there was a layer of charcoal on top of the logs, at 15 meters a layer of glass paste and at 18 meters a layer of coconut fiber was found. But at 27 meters they found the strangest thing: a stone with an inscription they didn't know on it. After removing the stone, the pit was filled with water and thus the work was left unfinished. So no matter how much they dug, the hole was never ending.


4 This stone was a valuable clue, but John Smith recklessly planted it behind the fireplace of his house, as the mystery of the stone was unsolved and the symbols were about to be erased. 50 years later, the stone began to be exhibited in Halifax. The purpose of this was to generate income to be able to do more work in the pit.

The foreign languages professor wrote on the stone, “Ten steps down, 2 million pounds.” He claimed to have written it. Someone who saw the stone remembered that in 1935 there was another word at the end of the inscription on the stone. When this person saw the stone again, the writing on the stone was completely erased. Since then, no one has seen the stone again.


  5 In 1805, the team resumed the excavation. This time they tried digging a hole parallel to the hole. They named the actual pit 'The Money Pit'. Their goal was to drain the Money Pit from the new pit. But the new pit filled with water and paused work for 45 years. This setback made them think it was a Booby Trap. They also discovered a waterway. This waterway was connected from the Money Pit to a place called Smith's Cove. In other words, no matter how fast the water was drained, the space was filled with sea water again. This showed that the Money Pit was a work of perfect order and masterful engineering.

This layout of the Money Pit was becoming increasingly detailed and complex. In 1849, The Truro Company was founded to dig this hole. The company used new technologies to drain the water inside the pit into the side channels and used special drills for this.

When reaching 30 meters in 6 Money Pits, a very smooth platform was encountered. There was a 10cm thick layer of oak and under it another layer of 55cm thick metal particles. Then a 20cm oak layer and a 55cm new metal layer were reached. Again under it was a new 10cm layer of oak. This was repeated in layers.

After repeated layers, two barrels and chests filled with money were found. As the drill was retracted, oak splinters and pieces of rope made of coconut were found at the tip. Three small links of gold chain were also found at this stage. But the interesting thing is that these golden rings disappeared and no one could find out what they were. With each layer, the pit got deeper.


7 The Company dug a new tunnel parallel to the pit in 1850, but this tunnel was flooded. After all the pumping was in vain, it turned out that the water flow was dependent on the tide. The company then realized that the beach around the pit was custom made and artificial. The makers of the pit had created a system of channels that crossed the 45-metre-long beach, the system resembling the fingers of a hand. Each finger was a channel; it was dug under the beach, which was six clay, and shaped by rocks.

They were stacked with coastal rocks, planted with gentian and covered with meters of coconut fiber. The same fibers also acted as filters and the substances brought by the water were prevented from closing the channels. These channels were connected to another inclined channel filled with sea water in the interior land and went under the ground and merged with the Money Pit at a distance of about 150 m. Subsequent investigations revealed that the underground channel was 120 cm wide and 60 cm high. The canal was supported by stones and met the Money Pit between 29 and 35 m.

8 After all these investigations, Truko company decided to close the channel. First, the dam was built and the water was drained and the canals were dismantled. During the storm that occurred at that stage, the dam collapsed and the works were stopped again. Every time there was a flood and it was back to the beginning.

Work continued in 1861, 1893 and 1897. Up to 52 meters was reached in the pit, which was gradually advanced. When he reached the 52nd meter, he encountered a 2-meter-thick cement layer. There were 17cm thin walls around it. Some of it was wood, then there were gaps, and in between was another unidentified substance. After that, the drill reached a soft metal layer, under which 90 cm thick metal particles were reached, and then again the soft metal layer.

On one occasion, a sheepskin scroll was found on the tip of the drill, with the letters "vi", "ui" and "wi" written on it. What happened is still not known.


9 Daniel Blankenship started by digging a new 14-metre tunnel in 1966 and found a nail and a washer made of handmade wrought iron. In 1967, a pair of handmade scissors was found again. It was determined that the scissors were Spanish-American, most likely made in Mexico, and were 300 years old. There was also a heart-shaped stone in the same place. They discovered logs 60 cm thick, 19 m long, with Roman numerals on them and some with nails. A carbon test of the logs revealed that they were 250 years old, two wooden structures were found on the west end of the island and a pair of unused leather shoes at a depth of 2m on the beach.

Investigations have continued until today, but still the bottom of the pit has not been seen.


10 In 1976, the discovery was made with the instrument called Borehole 10-X. With this device, they were able to go to a depth of 70 meters and it was determined that there were artificial cavities at this depth. A camera was sent to this depth and interesting images were obtained. There was a rock floor, three chests visible, various tools and a human body visible. It was considered that the fishmen would be lowered, but it was not successful due to the strong current and the zero visibility. In the meantime, when the place where the camera went collapsed, the same images could not be reached again.

There were also many legends about this pit. There were many rumors such as the hidden treasure of the famous Pirate Captain William Kidd, the secret base of the Vikings, the legacy of the Knights Templar is hidden in this pit, the secret place where the real plays of Shakespeare, the manuscripts kept by Bacon, are hidden. We don't know if these rumors are true or which one is true. But one thing we know is that the bottom of the pit does not come!

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