Geyikli Gece, Turgut Uyar
Leyla'nın Bir Işığa Dönüşmesi, Sezai Karakoç
Ölüm (leyla İle Mecnun), Sezai Karakoç
Pied Beauty - Gerard Manley Hopkins
On Carpaccio's Picture: The Dream of St. Ursula - Amy Lowell
Death, be not proud (Holy Sonnet 10) - John Donne
Ne zaman şiiri, Adnan Yücel
Amy Corson's Captivating Portraits of Musicians
Fun Typography Art by Minh Hoàng
Creative Illustrations by Yau Hoong Tang
Jaco Haasbroek tarafından illüstrasyonlar
Minimalist cat drawings by Lim Heng Swee
Was it the proud full sail of his great verse (Sonnet 86) - William Shakespeare
Epitaph on a Hare - William Cowper
The Chambered Nautilus - Oliver Wendell Holmes