Günümüz - Sabahattin Ali
Thus can my love excuse the slow offence (Sonnet 51) - William Shakespeare
The Hurricane - José María Heredia
Asurluların koruyucu tanrısı
Señor, yo pido un huerto - Alfonso Guillén Zelaya
Lord, I Ask a Garden... - Alfonso Guillén Zelaya
Mannahatta - Walt Whitman
Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war (Sonnet 46) - William Shakespeare
Mist - Lola Rodríguez de Tió
Attis Heykeli, MS 3.Yüzyıl, Attis Mabedi
Peace - Florencio Varela
Şeytan Heykeli, 1836, Jean-Jacques Feuchére
The World Is Too Much With Us - William Wordsworth
Lines Written At Castle Island, Lake Superior - Jane Johnston Schoolcraft